Flunking Fitness Pt. 1

Hi folks !

Today we will learn how to… Flunk Fitness ! JKing :) We’ll try achieving just the opposite :P which is.. ummm. Acing fitness =) So as you know nothing comes without hard work and a steel-hard determination. I’ll try to help you throughout the way of your healthy journey as your guide. I will scour the labels and surf the web to win your skinny self back. I am too skinny for the age of 13 (I weigh 52kgs) but I am not fit.. !!! some people are fat, But fit (No offense fat, potato couch people!) So let’s start the Journey by fixing a goal (it’s a recipe)




Iron-hard will


A pen

A Paper

So, mix the Determination , Concentration and will for a flumpy mess of brightness.

Bring the paper to write Fitness goal as the title.

Write your current weight under (Kgs/Ibs)

Under it write the weight your aiming for.

Write some suggestions on how to reach the goal. (I will help with that!)

Comments on the bottom for help!


The flunking Princess