Stroy Review : Anne of Green Gables

This is the first story review i am trying to make so here it goes =]

  1. It’s the 1st book of a book series made by L. M. Montgomery
  2. It talks about the orphan girl ; Anne who comes to live in Price Edwards Island , Canada.
  3. She was brought there by mistake but Marilla , at the end , makes up her mind for Anne to stay .
  4. Recommended for 11 – 14 year olds  (tween , teens)
  5. :) i can’t say anymore because it will spoil the fun of it !


P.S : please comment below  =}


→ ♫♥ Vintage Vibes ™ ♥♫ ←

I really love vintage things + pictures ; { clothes , dresses , antiques , sunglasses , make up } they all fit blend my personality so well

Here are some pictures ; Vintage™  of course =}